In this article, we determine whether there is a link between information technology (IT) use in ensuring food service quality and revisit intention. We examined how the use of IT applications in food service affects revisit intention to a hotel's food outlet. To conduct the study, we used a 29-item DINESERV: A Tool for Measuring Service Quality in Restaurants. The DINESERV questionnaire helps restaurateurs gauge customer satisfaction, identify problems, and find solutions. The 29-item questionnaire includes five service-quality categories: assurance, Empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and tangibles. It's meant to help operators gauge what consumers expect from a restaurant. We collected 280 responses from guests visiting Bangladesh's five-star hotels' food service outlets and executed the proposed correlations using PLS-SEM. This study showed that IT application use in determining food service quality does not correlate with revisit intention and that it influences guest confidence, which greatly influences revisit intention.