We examined the adsorption and subsequent migration of a silver monomer (Ag 1 ), a dimer (Ag 2 ), and a tetramer (Ag 4 ) on the group IV(001) (IV = C, Si, and Ge) semiconductor surfaces, using density functional theory. For Ag 1 on IV(001), the adsorption is favored to be covalently attached at the trench between the substrate rows, yielding the heats of adsorption of 1.91, 2.53, and 2.07 eV on C(001), Si(001), and Ge(001), respectively. The migration of Ag 1 is, however, by way of the substrate rows regardless of the migration direction, giving isotropic barriers of 0.08, 0.51, and 0.38 eV on C(001), Si(001), and Ge(001), respectively. As the size of silver species increases, there emerge quasi-covalent adsorbate−adsorbate (Ag−Ag) interactions, in addition to the covalent adsorbate−substrate interactions, as showcased by the adsorption of Ag 2 and Ag 4 on Si(001). The heats of adsorption are 2.16 eV for Ag 2 and 2.53 eV for Ag 4 . Consequently, the migration of Ag 2 and Ag 4 is enabled inside the trench between Si rows, leading to anisotropic barriers; that is, Ag 2 favors migrating across (0.26 eV in the barrier) over along (0.63 eV in the barrier) Si rows, whereas Ag 4 favors migrating along (0.24 eV in the barrier) over across (0.68 eV in the barrier) Si rows.