The registration of travel agencies in the sector of public administration contributes to monitoring and analyzing the level of tourism development in the country. Multiple benefits of keeping records of travel agencies in the public administration sector include all interested parties, domestic and foreign physical entities as beneficiaries of tourism services, the private sector as providers of these services and the public sector as the creator of policies and strategies of tourism in the country. Establishing and keeping the register of tourism within Serbian Business Registers Agency as the unique, electronic and central public database of registered and/or recorded entities performing tasks in the field of tourism on the tourism market of the country, contributes to the monitoring of the level of tourism development, analysis of the condition of the unified tourist offer, encouraging development initiatives in the tourism sector, the implementation of modern solutions in the field of planning agency business in Serbia. The study uses mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, including field research and comparative analysis and description. The results suggest that the initial hypothesis, which refers to the current unsatisfactory level of the system for the registration of travel agencies in the public administration in the Republic of Serbia, is valid.