The past ~15 years have seen increasing interest in defining disciplinary core concepts. Within the field of physiology, Michael, McFarland, Modell, and colleagues have published studies that defined physiology core concepts and have elaborated many of these as detailed conceptual frameworks. With such helpful definitions now in place, attention is turning to the related issue of how to maximize student understanding of the core concepts by linking these "big ideas" to concrete student-facing resources for active learning and assessment. Our practitioner-based view begins with the recognition that in many if not most undergraduate physiology courses, assessment drives learning. We have therefore linked published conceptual frameworks to Test Question Templates (TQTs), whose structure promotes transparent assessments as well as the active learning needed to prepare for such assessments. We provide examples of conceptual-framework-linked TQTs for the physiology core concepts of Homeostasis, Flow Down Gradients, the Cell Membrane, and Cell-Cell Communication. We argue that this deployment of TQTs has at least two distinct benefits for the teaching and learning of core concepts. First, documenting the connections between conceptual frameworks and TQTs may clarify coverage and assessment of the core concepts for both instructors and students. Second, misconceptions about core concepts may be directly targeted and dispelled via thoughtful construction, arrangement, and iteration of TQTs. We propose that the TQT framework or similar approaches may be applied fruitfully to any sufficiently articulated physiology core concept for high school, undergraduate, or graduate students.