In a majority of living organisms, F o F 1 ATP synthase performs the fundamental process of ATP synthesis. Despite the simple net reaction formula, ADP þ P i → ATP þ H 2 O, the detailed step-by-step mechanism of the reaction yet remains to be resolved owing to the complexity of this multisubunit enzyme. Based on quantum mechanical computations using recent high resolution X-ray structures, we propose that during ATP synthesis the enzyme first prepares the inorganic phosphate for the γP-O ADP bond-forming step via a double-proton transfer. At this step, the highly conserved αS344 side chain plays a catalytic role. The reaction thereafter progresses through another transition state (TS) having a planar PO 3 − ion configuration to finally form ATP. These two TSs are concluded crucial for ATP synthesis. Using stepwise scans and several models of the nucleotide-bound active site, some of the most important conformational changes were traced toward direction of synthesis. Interestingly, as the active site geometry progresses toward the ATP-favoring tight binding site, at both of these TSs, a dramatic increase in barrier heights is observed for the reverse direction, i.e., hydrolysis of ATP. This change could indicate a "ratchet" mechanism for the enzyme to ensure efficacy of ATP synthesis by shifting residue conformation and thus locking access to the crucial TSs.quantum mechanics | reaction mechanism | molecular motor T he F o F 1 -ATP synthase is vital for cell energy production, being responsible for most of the ATP synthesis in membranes of bacteria, chloroplasts, and mitochondria. This multisubunit enzyme complex has high structural similarity among different species. It produces ATP as a biological nanomotor driven by an electrochemical potential difference across membranes as part of respiration or photosynthesis (1). The active sites are located in the F 1 domain, which in Escherichia coli consists of α 3 β 3 γδϵ subunits, three αβ-pairs surrounding a central α-helical coiled coil γ-subunit. The ATP synthesiswith P i ¼ H 2 PO 4 − , occurs at catalytic sites formed in the three β-subunits at the α/β-interfaces (2). The most prominent model assumes that the ATP-producing reaction occurs due to a rotation of the γ-shaft, inducing conformational changes in the surrounding αβ-subunit pairs according to the unbinding and rotational coupling mechanism (3-7). It was also demonstrated that excess ATP may be hydrolyzed by isolated F 1 resulting in reverse rotation of the γ-subunit (7). In the first crystal structure of F 1 -ATPase (3), the three catalytic sites contained a nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue in one site, an ADP in the other, the third site being empty. Because of this observation, also supported by ATP binding affinity measurements (8, 9), the sites were named "tight binding site" (β TP ), "loose binding site" (β DP ), and "empty site" (β E ). According to the trisite mechanism model, during ATP synthesis each of the three αβ-subunit pairs changes conformation along the repeating cycle, β E → β DP → β TP → β E...