Purpose: This study examined the influence of simulation on flexible and reflective thinking in student teachers (STs), and appraised how they evaluate its potential contribution to teacher education programs. Method: Twenty-three Israeli physical education STs participated in a simulation course. They planned teaching-learning conflict scenarios, and served as actors or volunteers in these scenarios, which were filmed and discussed. Discussions were videotaped and transcribed. Content analyses were conducted on the discussions and the written reflections. Results: STs not only increased their flexible and reflective thinking, but they gained an understanding of how to do it independently. As they were learning how to be more open-minded, they were able to feel, think, and behave authentically, and to offer a variety of solutions regarding conflictual situations. Conclusion: STs developed flexible and reflective thinking, and widened their repertoire of behaviors that succeeded in integrating thoughts and feelings into learning-teaching situations.