“…Representations of Roma on television often perpetuate existing prejudice and stereotypes in relation to illiteracy, criminality, unconventional lifestyle, or refusal to comply with societal norms and values. Whether poverty-stricken or defined by extreme wealth, Roma communities on television appear unlikeable and abnormally different (Breazu & Machin 2020;Imre & Tremlett, 2011;Jensen & Ringrose, 2014;Leudar & Nekvapil, 2000). Despite their marginalised status, contemporary public discourse about Roma has been largely shaped around stereotypes and prejudice in relation to illiteracy, crime, violence, corruption, primitiveness and unwillingness to abide by societal norms and values (Breazu, 2020;Cretu, 2014;Erjavec, 2001;Tremlett, Messing, & Kóczé, 2017).…”