The following activity was developed to allow students
to actively
participate in and measure the kinetics of a multistep process. Each
group of students is given a stack of blank coloring pages, each with
a rainbow design printed on it. Each student in a group is given a
different color crayon and colors in their portion of the picture
before passing it to the next student while being timed. The rates
of each individual step of the process and the rate of the overall
process are calculated. During this activity, students can observe
the rate-determining step of a process, the accumulation of intermediates,
and how the overall rate relates to the rates of the individual steps.
It can be used during the teaching of kinetics and mechanisms within
introductory chemistry, physical chemistry, or biochemistry. In the
current report, it has been used as an analogy to metabolic pathways
and to introduce metabolic control analysis (MCA) quantitatively.
It involves no special equipment and minimal setup time on the part
of the instructor.