The hole argument of general relativity threatens a radical and pernicious form of indeterminism. One natural response to the argument is that points belonging to different but isometric models should always be identified, or 'dragged-along', by the diffeomorphism that relates them. In this paper, I first criticise this response and its construal of isometry: it stumbles on certain cases, like Noether's second theorem. Then I go on to describe how the essential features of Einstein's 'pointcoincidence' response to the hole argument avoid the criticisms of the 'drag-along response' and are compatible with Noether's second theorem.Here is the prospectus for this paper: In Section 1.1 I will (very) briefly summarise the hole argument; this Section is not meant as a thorough introduction to the hole argument: there are already many sources for that (see e.g. (Gomes & Butterfield, 2023b;Norton, 2019;Pooley, 2022;Pooley & Read, 2022) and references therein). In Section 1.2 I will similarly summarise the 'drag-along' response to the hole argument. Then in Section 2, I will similarly summarise Noether's second theorem in the case of general relativity, emphasising its comparison of isomorphic models by a map that is not the isomorphism that relates them. Finally, in Section 3, I will trace a path to Noether's theorem that goes between the Scylla of a non-trivial Lie derivative and the and Charybdis of the hole argument.