Spreadsheets are the most popular programming systems in use today. Since spreadsheets are visual, first-order functional languages, research into the foundations of spreadsheets is therefore a highly relevant topic for the principles and, in particular, the practice, of declarative programming.Since the error rate in spreadsheets is very high and since those errors have significant impact, methods and tools that can help detect and remove errors from spreadsheets are very much needed. Type systems have traditionally played a strong role in detecting errors in programming languages, and it is therefore reasonable to ask whether type systems could not be helpful in improving the current situation of spreadsheet programming.In this paper we introduce a type system and a type inference algorithm for spreadsheets and demonstrate how this algorithm and the underlying typing concept can identify programming errors in spreadsheets. In addition, we also demonstrate how the type inference algorithm can be employed to infer models, or specifications, for spreadsheets, which can be used to prevent future errors in spreadsheets.