Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the diagnostic value of mammography and ultrasonography for differentiating benign and malignant breast masses.Material and Methods: Fifty-one patients who had palpable breast masses were evaluated with both mammography and US. The detected lesions were classified as benign or malignant according to their imaging features and these results were evaluated according to the histopathological reports.Results: Histopathologically, 28 of the 51 breast masses (54.9%) were reported as benign and 23 (45.1%) as malignant. The sensitivity and specificity of mammography were 81.4% and 90.4% for benign masses. The sensitivity and specificity of US for benign masses were 85.7% and 82.6%. The sensitivity and specificity of mammography for malign masses were 90.9% and 81.4%. The sensitivity and specificity of US for malignant masses were 78.2% and 85.7%.Conclusion: Although ultrasonography is a valuable imaging method for the differentiation of solid -cystic breast masses, mammography is superior to ultrasonography for benignmalignant differentiation.Key Words: Mammography, Ultrasonography, Breast mass Amaç: Mammografi ve ultrasonografinin, meme kitlelerinde benign-malign ayrımı yapmaktaki değerini belirlemektir.Gereç ve Yöntem: Palpabl meme kitlesi olan ve bu nedenle ultrasonografi ve mammografi incelemesi yapılan 51 olgu çalıșmaya dahil edilmiștir. İzlenen kitleler özelliklerine göre benignmalign olarak ayrılmıș, bu sonuçlar histopatoloji raporları ile karșılaștırılmıștır. Bulgular: Histopatoloji sonuçlarında 51 meme kitlesinin 28'i (%54.9) benign, 23'ü (%45.1) malign olarak raporlanmıștır. Benign kitlelerde mamografinin sensitivite ve spesifisitesi %81.4 ve %90.4 olarak belirlenmiștir. Benign kitlelerde US'nin sensitivite ve spesifisitesi ise %85.7 ve %82.6 olarak hesaplanmıștır. Malign kitlelerde mamografinin sensitivite ve spesifisitesi %90.9 ve %81.4 olarak belirlenmiștir. Malign kitlelerde US'nin sensitivite ve spesifisitesi ise %78.2 ve %85.7 olarak hesaplanmıștır.