We experimentally demonstrate an angularly-multiplexed holographic memory capable of intrinsic generation, storage and retrieval of multiple photons, based on off-resonant Raman interaction in warm rubidium-87 vapors. The memory capacity of up to 60 independent atomic spin-wave modes is evidenced by analyzing angular distributions of coincidences between Stokes and time-delayed anti-Stokes light, observed down to the level of single spin-wave excitation during several-µs memory lifetime. We also propose how to practically enhance rates of single and multiple photons generation by combining our multimode emissive memory with existing fast optical switches.PACS numbers: 42.50. Ex, 42.50.Ct, 32.80.Qk Construction of on-demand sources of desired quantum states of light remains an overarching goal for quantum engineering. While single photons are essential resource for quantum communication protocols [1,2], multiple photon states offer an avenue for quantum computing with linear optics [3,4] and quantum simulations, e.g. in boson sampling schemes [5,6]. Since scientists are already able to manufacture complex photonic chips using femtosecond writing technologies [7], perhaps the last major roadblock to perform linear-optics simulations unattainable by classical computing is the ability to create large number of photons capable of non-classical interference [8].Prospective solutions to achieve this non-trivial, longstanding goal rely on still developing quantum dot sources [9][10][11], Rydberg blockade [12,13] as well as parametric processes such as four-wave mixing [14] and spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) routinely employed to produce heralded single photons [15]. The present technology of SPDC sources is well developed and widespread since, while operating in room temperatures, it offers high brightness and renders low noise. Nonetheless, the intrinsic feature of parametric sources is their purely stochastic operation. The probability of photon pairs generation must be kept low to suppress the contribution of higher numbers of photons. A possible way to surpass this stochastic behavior is to combine multiple sources with fast, active optical switches [16,17] to increase chances for single photon generation. In practice, setups with at most four sources using SPDC [18,19] and twelve sources with cold atoms [20] have been demonstrated. Furthermore, N parametric sources can be used to generate N heralded photons but this method requires very long waiting time [18] as the probability for N -photon state generation falls exponentially with N .Recently, Nunn et al.[21] have suggested a possible solution for enhanced generation of N -photon states in a system with N quantum memories storing heralded photons from N independent SPDC sources, and releasing them at once. Here we present a different approach where photons can be generated directly inside many emissive quantum memories driven by Raman scattering process where deposition of an excitation is heralded by a detection of a Stokes photon. Moreover, as...