Food for IDEAL thought: redesigning junior journal clubs to enhance surgical innovation "Knowledge," in the sense of information, means the working capital, the indispensable resources, of further inquiry; of finding out, or learning, more things.John Dewey, Democracy and Education (1916). 1
Philosophy of evidence-based surgeryEvidence-based surgery (EBS) comprises continuous critical evaluation and proactive improvement of surgical care via the scientific method. Novel information must be sought and understood, and scientifically-validated methods of improving practice integrated safely. For individuals to practice EBS, they require knowledge of the underlying philosophy and the self-confidence and creativity to innovate reliably. 2 The stages in the development and assessment of surgical innovations are characterized in the descriptive model delineating stages of innovation, development, exploration, assessment and long-term study (the IDEAL model), developed by the Balliol Collaboration. 3 Effective EBS education should involve teaching students to critically appraise and use information to reliably think, learn and succeed independently 1 throughout their surgical careers. A scalable, low-cost model that teaches the underlying philosophy of EBS while increasing the research activity of junior participants may enhance the future practice of EBS. This article aims to introduce journal clubs as a means to promote EBS at this early stage.