Bayesian estimation for 2 groups provides complete distributions of credible values for the effect size, group means and their difference, standard deviations and their difference, and the normality of the data. The method handles outliers. The decision rule can accept the null value (unlike traditional t tests) when certainty in the estimate is high (unlike Bayesian model comparison using Bayes factors). The method also yields precise estimates of statistical power for various research goals. The software and programs are free and run on Macintosh, Windows, and Linux platforms.Keywords: Bayesian statistics, effect size, robust estimation, Bayes factor, confidence interval One of the most frequently encountered scientific procedures is a comparison of two groups (e.g., du Prel, Röhrig, Hommel, & Blettner, 2010;Fritz, Morris, & Richler, 2012;Wetzels et al., 2011). Given data from two groups, researchers ask various comparative questions: How much is one group different from another? Can we be reasonably sure that the difference is non-zero? How certain are we about the magnitude of difference? These questions are difficult to answer because data are contaminated by random variability despite researchers' efforts to minimize extraneous influences on the data. Because of "noise" in the data, researchers rely on statistical methods of probabilistic inference to interpret the data. When data are interpreted in terms of meaningful parameters in a mathematical description, such as the difference of mean parameters in two groups, it is Bayesian analysis that provides complete information about the credible parameter values. Bayesian analysis is also more intuitive than traditional methods of null hypothesis significance testing (e.g., Dienes, 2011).This article introduces an intuitive Bayesian approach to the analysis of data from two groups. The method yields complete distributional information about the means and standard deviations of the groups. In particular, the analysis reveals the relative credibility of every possible difference of means, every possible difference of standard deviations, and all possible effect sizes. From this explicit distribution of credible parameter values, inferences about null values can be made without ever referring to p values as in null hypothesis significance testing (NHST). Unlike NHST, the Bayesian method can accept the null value, not only reject it, when certainty in the estimate is high. The new method handles outliers by describing the data as heavy tailed distributions instead of normal distributions, to the extent implied by the data. The new method also implements power analysis in both retrospective and prospective forms.The analysis is implemented in the widely used and free programming languages R and JAGS and can be run on Macintosh, Linux, and Windows operating systems. Complete installation instructions are provided, along with working examples. The programs can also be flexibly extended to other types of data and analyses. Thus, the software can be used by virtually ...