We investigate the entanglement dynamics between two distant qubits by analyzing correlations in the quantum Ising model. Starting from the spin system in a paramagnetic regime enforced by the external magnetic field B, we then switch on the ferromagnetic spin-spin coupling J. Using the large coordination number expansion, we consider two limiting switching regimes: (1) adiabatic, which monitors the evolution of the ground state through the quantum transition to an ordered state; and (2) instantaneous (quench) which monitors instead the propagation of quantum fluctuations and simulates the generation of long range correlations. In particular, we find that quantum fluctuations propagate with twice the group speed of excitations in the equilibrium state of the system. Introduction: The quantum Ising model has recently attracted additional attention as a standard generic model of quantum computers used to evaluate the behaviour of prototype devices [1][2][3]. In particular, its study would considerably expand our understanding of both fundamental and practical limitations of adiabatic quantum computers and quantum annealers [4], where the device is initiated in the strong transverse field, and then the spin-spin (qubit-qubit) coupling is gradually switched on. Entanglement between large number of spins on the intermediate stages of switching plays the key role in the system reaching its final ground state. In a real, open system the adiabatic evolution cannot take an arbitrary long time due to its eventual entanglement with the surroundings [5]. The dynamics of entanglement is therefore crucially important for the operation of any quantum annealer.While the final ground state of a quantum annealer is typically spin-glass like, some insight in this dynamics can be obtained in the simpler case of a sweep through a symmetry-breaking quantum phase transition to the (anti)ferromagnetic order. As the initial quantum state is symmetric, all directions of symmetry breaking are equally likely and seeded by quantum fluctuations. Furthermore, the diverging response time at the critical point indicates that the many-particle quantum system is driven far away from equilibrium during the sweep. While nearby points will most likely break the initial symmetry in the same direction, two very distant points may spontaneously select different directions of symmetry breaking [6]. As a result, the spatial order parameter distribution after the quench will be inhomogeneous and its spatial correlations are directly determined by quantum correlations.The open questions in this context include: How is the order parameter established and how fast does it spread? What is the role of these quantum fluctuations?In this Letter, we investigate the dynamics of the quan-