Background and Objective: Thanks to the growing experience with the non-intubated anesthetic and surgical techniques, most pulmonary resections can now be performed by using minimally invasive techniques. The conventional method, i.e., surgery on the intubated, ventilated patient under general anesthesia with one-lung ventilation (OLV) was considered necessary for the major thoracoscopic lung resections for all patients. An adequate analgesic approach (regional or epidural anesthesia) allows videoassisted thoracoscopy (VATS) to be performed in anesthetized patients and thus the potential adverse effects related to general anesthesia and mechanical OLV can be minimized.Methods: Multiple medical literature databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus) were searched, using the terms [(non-intubated) OR (nonintubated) OR (tubeless) OR (awake)] AND [(thoracoscopic surgery)] from 2004 to December 2021. 306 scientific papers were collected. The editorials, commentaries, letters, and papers were excluded, that focus on other than the non-intubated (aka awake or tubeless) VATS technique, as well as the full text scientific papers available in languages other than English.