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JULIANNA GRIPP SPINELLI-DE-SÁFaculdade CNEC de Rio das Ostras, Rio das Ostras -RJ, Brazil.
ANA HELOISA DA COSTA LEMOSPontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro -RJ, Brazil.
FLÁVIA DE SOUZA COSTA NEVES CAVAZOTTEPontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro -RJ, Brazil.To cite this paper: Spinelli-de-Sá, J. G., Lemos, A. H. C., & Cavazotte, F. (2017). Making a career in a male-dominated field: the meaning of work for women employed in the financial markets. Originality/value: Despite the significant academic production about gender, few studies investigate the meaning women attribute to their work activities or analyze the main building elements in the subjective connection between women and a masculine work environment. This study, therefore, extends the literature on gender issues and labor relations, in addition to analyzing the achievements and challenges inherent in the professional choices of women in the contemporary world. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted by means of in-depth interviews with 16 women, at different ages and several family structures, who work on asset managers, investment brokers and investment banks. Content analysis was applied to the textual data to interpret and make inferences, using a priori coding. Findings: Data analysis identified that, for these professionals, meaning attribution occurs through the mechanisms of self-esteem, self-efficacy, purpose and belongingness, which are viable due to the success they conquered in a very competitive work environment. Other factors, such as the high incomes earned by the interviewees, also have an important role in the meaning they attribute to their work.
KEYWORDSMeaning of work. Subjectivity. Women in men's occupations. Gender. Financial Market.Making a career in a male-dominated field: the meaning of work for women employed in the financial markets Revista de