Parenting in the twenty-first century compel among working parents a great deal of effort and balancing act between having a family and at the same time maintaining a good career. The challenges among working parents are on the balancing act of taking care and attending to family needs while becoming successful in chosen career. In the modern-day society where couples have to strive to make both ends met for the needs of the family, the issue and concern for balancing act is really perplexing. In this fast-paced twenty-first century world, such concern for balancing act has just been relegated to the confines of family resolution without the greater society having so much concern of it. However, it is a topic worthy of concern and study as it pervades not only within the realm of family life but as well as on the aspects of productivity and performance of working professional parents. In this paper, seven general themes with underlying discussions were presented. The themes are not exhaustive of the dynamics between parenting and work-family balance. The bottom line is to provide insights, reflection points and points to ponder about the realm of parenting and work-family balance in the twenty-first century.