Elliptic partial differential equations must be solved numerically for many problems in numerical relativity, such as initial data for every simulation of merging black holes and neutron stars. Existing elliptic solvers can take multiple days to solve these problems at high resolution and when matter is involved, because they are either hard to parallelize or require a large amount of computational resources. Here we present a new solver for linear and non-linear elliptic problems that is designed to scale with resolution and to parallelize on computing clusters. To achieve this we employ a discontinuous Galerkin discretization, an iterative multigrid-Schwarz preconditioned Newton-Krylov algorithm, and a task-based parallelism paradigm. To accelerate convergence of the elliptic solver we have developed novel subdomain-preconditioning techniques. We find that our multigrid-Schwarz preconditioned elliptic solves achieve iteration counts that are independent of resolution, and our task-based parallel programs scale over 200 million degrees of freedom to at least a few thousand cores. Our new code solves a classic black-hole binary initial-data problem faster than the spectral code SpEC when distributed to only eight cores, and in a fraction of the time on more cores. It is publicly accessible in the next-generation SpECTRE numerical relativity code. Our results pave the way for highly-parallel elliptic solves in numerical relativity and beyond.