The centromere is a vital locus on each chromosome which seeds the kinetochore, allowing for a physical connection between the chromosome and the mitotic spindle. At the heart of the centromere is the centromere-specific histone H3 variant CENP-A/CENH3. Throughout the cell cycle the constitutive centromere associated network is bound to CENP-A chromatin, but how this protein network modifies CENP-A nucleosome dynamics in vivo is unknown. Here, using a combination of biophysical and biochemical analyses we provide evidence for the existence of two populations of CENP-A nucleosomes that co-exist at human centromeres. Disrupting the balance of these two populations by overexpressing CENP-C results in reduced levels of centromeric RNA polymerase 2, impair de novo CENP-A loading, and correlate with significant Saunders et al., 1988; Furuyama and Henikoff, 2009;Kingston et al., 2011;Krassovsky et al., 2011; Furuyama et al., 2013;Henikoff et al., 2014; Díaz-Ingelmo et al., 2015) binds to a single microtubule via the kinetochore. In contrast, the human centromeres are regional centromeres comprised of megabase-sized α-satellite arrays (Rudd et al., 2006; Waye and Willard, 2006).Recent advances in super resolution microscopy suggest that each human centromere harbors ~400 CENP-A molecules (Bodor et al., 2014), which eventually associate with only ~17 mitotic 2013; Kyriacou and Heun, 2018). Recent structural studies of CENP-A nucleosome suggest that CENP-A nucleosome are innately flexible compared to H3 nucleosomes (Winogradoff et al., 2015; Falk et al., 2016;Roulland et al., 2016;Malik et al., 2018;Melters et al., 2019), whereas CENP-C suppresses CENP-A nucleosomes motions (Falk et al., 2015(Falk et al., , 2016 Melters et al., 201 9 biorxiv). This raises an intriguing question on potential roles for maintaining unbound or free CENP-A centromeric chromatin in vivo.We hypothesized that during mitosis flexible CENP-A particles might provide a mechanical "bungee"-like state, which allows the dissipation of mitotic forces. In this scenario, excess CENP-C would dampen the motions of CENP-A nucleosomes, thereby reducing the overall springiness of centromeric chromatin; and loss of the flexible CENP-A domain might result in an accumulation of DNA breaks during mitosis. To test this hypothesis, we overexpressed Cterminally tagged GFP CENP-C (CENP-C OE ) for three days, in cells synchronized to late mitosis and early G1 and scored for the DNA break marker gH2A.X. Although we found an increase in mitotic defects, no appreciable increase in gH2A.X foci was observed at centromeric foci ( Figure 5). These data suggest that partial reduction in the amount of free CENP-A does not cause an increase in DNA breaks during mitosis, although it does correlate with mitotic defects.
CENP-C overexpression limits de novo CENP-A loadingNext, we hypothesized that free CENP-A chromatin might be necessary for centromeric transcription. RNAP2 mediated centromeric transcription has been shown to be critical for de novo CENP-A loading (reviewed i...