“…As such, the chaperonin has become the subject of studies aiming at determining its precise role as etiologic-pathogenic factor and also aiming at inventing new diagnostic and therapeutic ways centered on it. Adrenal gland Adrenal Cushing's tumor [168] Bladder Transitional cell carcinoma; carcinosarcoma [169][170][171] Bone marrow, blood, lymph nodes Acute myeloid leukemia; Hodgkin's lymphoma [155,[172][173][174] Brain Astroglyoma; glioblastoma; meningioma [175][176][177][178][179] Breast Breast ductal carcinoma [180,181] Esophagus Oesophageal carcinoma [182,183] Large bowel Adenocarcinoma [23,169,[184][185][186][187] Liver Hepatocellular carcinoma [188] Lung Bronchial carcinoma [25,26,189,190] Ovary Serous ovarian cancer [191] Prostate Prostate carcinoma [24,[192][193][194] Stomach Gastric maltoma [195] Uterus Exocervical carcinoma [22,196] Adapted from [2]. ATP synthase [197] Dihydrofolatereductase [37,46] Hsp10 [37,41] Human Carbonicanhydrase II [37,198,…”