“…5,14 Here, the moderating effect of high TR and P on errors in line absorption measurements of [Me] and [Me] kv is the absorption coefficient of Me; l the optical path length; pQ the line center frequency; ArD the Doppler width = (2r0(2 R In 2)1/2/c)(TR/MMe)1/'2; C2 is a constant; a = (TL/TR)1/2; R is the universal gas constant; MMe the molecular weight of Me; c the speed of light; and TL the lamp (emitter) temperature. The absorption coefficient, k" is expressed as a Voigt profile15 to account for thermal and pressure broadening effects: a0 k,i = (M-7r £ «o2 + (wy)' dy (6) where k0 is the line center absorption coefficient /e"="0, y is a variable of integration related to the frequency,15 and a0 is the pressure broadening parameter: [OX] and [M] are calculated from the measured flow rates of the gases, flow tube pressure, and temperature:…”