Crowdfunding and crowdsourcing are examined as the means of overcoming innovative economy development issues. The article shows that innovative economy model transition requires rethinking of the regular patterns. Redistributive relationship between authorities and monopolies provokes the emergence of shadow schemes and corruption. Another issue is applying the neoclassic model to Russian economy. That requires the existence of perfect market and competition. This model supposes competing companies isolation, no coalitions between them, free information circulation between manufacturers and consumers and excepting exclusivity. In our opinion, such an approach is hardly applicable. However an opposite approach suggested by Nicole Biggart is considered as the most productive. Continuing Max Weber's tradition she shits focus to the social side of the economic relations. In our opinion, providing alternative means of innovative technologies support and market entry can assist in innovative economy development. Among these are the crowd-based and open source technologies provided by social interaction and described in the terms of libertarian concept. The possibilities of the open source technologies in dealing with patent system setbacks and innovation transfer are also researched. That is performed by analyzing and comparing the corresponding Russian and US practice. The current situation with innovative technology introduction, realization and production application in Russia is represented.