Sleep quality is a person's satisfaction with sleep so that he does not show feelings of fatigue, easily aroused and restless, lethargic and apathetic, blackish around the eyes, swollen eyelids, red conjunctiva, sore eyes, divided attention, headaches, and frequent yawning. There are various factors that can affect the quantity and quality of a person's sleep, namely physiological factors, psychological factors, environmental factors and lifestyle. In addition, there are other factors that can affect sleep quality, namely age, fatigue, and caffeine consumption. The results of a preliminary study based on the PSQI questionnaire conducted by the author on 11 regular students of the Public Health study program found that 10 students had poor sleep quality (90.9%). As many as 6 students admitted that over the past month, students rated sleep quality as quite bad (54 .5%) and 2 students rated the quality of sleep as very bad (18.2%). This study aims to determine the factors associated with sleep quality in students of the Public Health Study Program in 2022. This research was conducted from September 2022 to February 2023. This type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional study design. The sampling technique used the quota sampling technique with a sample of 103 students. The univariate results showed the highest proportion, namely poor sleep quality (90.3%), age ≥ 20 years (62.1%), stress (57.3%), poor screen time (88.3%), moderate consumption of caffeine (94.2%), and active physical activity (81.6%). Based on the statistical test results, it is known that the variables related to sleep quality are stress (p-value = 0.017), while the variables that are not related to sleep quality are age (p-value = 1.000), screen time (p-value = 0.091), caffeine consumption (p-value = 0.467), and physical activity (p-value = 1.000). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between stress and sleep quality in students of the public health study program at Esa Unggul University. It is hoped that students of the public health study program can reduce the occurrence of poor sleep quality.