“…We formalize splitting within a probabilistic model wherein subjects infer dispositional (internal) and situational (external) causes of another person’s behavior. Our model follows myriad theories proposing that our brain evaluates probabilistic hypotheses about the hidden causes of its inputs by approximating Bayesian inference (Chater & Oaksford, 2008; Dunsmoor et al, 2015; Friston et al, 2016, 2017; Gershman, 2017; Gershman et al, 2013, 2015; Gershman & Blei, 2012; Gershman & Niv, 2012; Glimcher, 2004; Noorani & Carpenter, 2016; Tomov et al, 2018), which have previously been applied to social inference (e.g., Ajzen & Fishbein, 1975; Barnby et al, 2020; Diaconescu et al, 2020; Moutoussis, Fearon, et al, 2014; Moutoussis, Trujillo-Barreto, et al, 2014; Redcay & Schilbach, 2019; Reiter et al, 2019; Wellstein et al, 2020). Formally, Bayes’ theorem states how new information can be optimally combined with the prior knowledge to update belief in particular hypothesis as follows:…”