This paper explores the intriguing conceptual divisional interlinking the psychological understanding between cosmic mind states and karmas relating mirroring the human mind states, two fundamental aspects in Bharatiya philosophical science often explored in Upanishads and Bhagavad-Gita where cosmic mind administration refers to its intelligent comprehension towards the laws governing dynamics based on the karmas. Karma, traditionally rooted in Bharatiya science, pertains to the actions of past, present and future influenced by cause-and-effect law within and beyond lifecycle(s). However, the division of karmas within cosmic mind with respect to individuals were not studied before. Hence, I propose a framework of human mind working parallelling the cosmic mind of appearance divisions of cosmic- waking state, dream state, deep sleep state, turiya state due to maya where all types of karmas (Prarabdha, Sanchitha, Kriyamana, Aagmi) are introduced that not only examines these concepts independently but also investigates how they interact and inform one another working in a feedback loop confirming; indirectly, we are governing ourselves. This study attempts to clarify how a greater understanding of the cosmos is attained through a comparative examination and theoretical synthesis can enhance our understanding of karma and vice versa, potentially leading to a more cohesive view of existence on an individual level from a cosmic lens finding out why astrology can’t work cent percent due to intervention of cosmic intelligence (mind) notably in the case of Prarabdha karma.