(Reccned February 9iJune 13, 3989) -EJB 89 0162 cDNA clones for Xenopus Iuevis Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase were isolated, sequenced and used as probes lo study the expression of the corresponding gene during oogenesis and embryogenesis ; Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase activity was also monitorcd throughout development. It has been observed that its mRNA is actively synthesized during early oogenesis, reaching a maximum level at stage 11, and is utilized through oogenesis. This results in an accumulation of enzyme activity during oocyte growth, paralleling the accumulation of the several other cellular components which are stored in the oocytc to bc utilized later on by the developing embryo. In fact, Cu,Znsuperoxide dismutase iictivity is present at an approximately constant level until late embryonic development, while its mRNA disappears soon after fertilization to be accumulated again only during the last part of embryogenesis. This developmental expression behaviour can be viewed as typical of an housekeeping function and suggcsts that Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase activity is a constant need of the cell rather than being subject to regulation by oxygen metabolism.Superoxide dismutases (SOD ; superoxide : superoxide oxidoreductase) are enzymes that catalyze dismutation of superoxide radicals (0; ~ j into oxygen and hydrogen peroxide in an extremely efficient fashion [I]. This reaction is considered to play a central role in the protection of aerobic cells against oxygen toxicity; in fact 0; -can initiate and propagate oxygen-dependent free-radical chain reactions which result in cell damage and death. With few exceptions, eukaryotic cells have a manganese-containing enzyme (Mn-SOD), which is mainly mitochondria-associated in most species and is resistant to inhibition by cyanide, and an ubiquitous predominant copper/ zinc-containing enzyme (Cu,Zn-SOD) which is CN-sensitive. While recent studies have reported on molecular aspects concerning the biosynthesis of Mn-SOD in eukaryotes [2, 31, not much is known about the control ofCu,Zn-SOD biosynthesis. However, the housekeeping nature of Cu,Zn-SOD activity is suggested by the ubiquitous presence of the protein at reasonably comparable levels, irrespective of the species [4] or tissue [5] examined. Knowledge of enzyme expression in early embryonic stages would be extremely important in this respect. Therefore, it seemed interesting to start investigating Cu,Zn-SOD in Xenopus luevis, an amphibian species which provides a useful model for the study of gene activity during development. The presence of Cu,Zn-SOD has been detected by gel electrophoresis in the cytosolic fraction of X. lurvis heart and kidney homogenates [6] Here we describe the isolation of cDNA clones for X . laevis Cu,Zn-SOD. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences are given for the cDNA corresponding to one of the two Cu,Zn-SOD gene copies present in the genome of X . laevis. A developmental analysis of Cu,Zn-SOD gene expression was carried out by following both the Cu,Zn-SOD mRNA level, using the...