The history, current population status and (un)sustainable management of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Lithuania are reviewed on the basis of 57 publications and, additionally, analysis of data on numbers and hunting bag. After the extinction of the species at the beginning of the 19th century, red deer were reintroduced into the northern part of the country during World War I. Population re-establishment was further fueled after WWII by immigration from neighboring countries and local translocations. After the introduction of the Law on Hunting in 2002, which enabled hunting organizations to rent hunting grounds for longer than 10 years, local wildlife management strategies were targeted at increasing the number of animals. However, a scientifically-based target population size for C. elaphus, agreed by all major stakeholders, has still not been defined. In the last 20 years, population growth has been exponential, deer numbers in Lithuania being estimated as 68,816 individuals in 2021. An increase in the size of the hunting bag is necessary for the sustainable management of the species at the national scale and to avoid risks of over-population as observed elsewhere in Europe.