Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is a well-established technique for fractionation of DNA fragments ranging from kilobases to megabases in length. But many of these separations require an undesirable combination of long experiment times (often approaching tens of hours) and application of high voltages (often approaching tens of kV). Here we present a simple miniaturized field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE) apparatus capable of separating DNA fragments up to 32.5 kb in length within 3 hours using a modest applied potential of 20 V. The device is small enough to be imaged under a fluorescence microscope, permitting the migrating DNA bands to be observed during the course of the separation run. We use this capability to investigate how separation performance is affected by parameters including the ratio of forward and backward voltage, pulse time, and temperature. We also characterize the dependence of DNA mobility on fragment size N, and observe a scaling in the vicinity of N −0.5 over the size range investigated. The high speed, low power consumption, and simple design of this system may help enable future studies of DNA migration in PFGE to be performed quickly and inexpensively.Keywords pulsed field gel electrophoresis; field inversion gel electrophoresis; DNA As DNA fragment lengths approach tens of kilobases, a point is reached where individual molecules become much larger than the average pore size of the gel matrix. In order to sustain electrophoretic migration in this regime, the DNA molecules must adopt extended conformations preferentially aligned in the electric field direction. But this mode of migration is accompanied by a drastic reduction (and ultimately saturation) in the size dependence of electrophoretic mobility, making separation of long DNA fragments under continuous electric fields extremely challenging if not impossible. One way to overcome these limitations involves introducing a dynamic reorientation process by periodically changing the direction and magnitude of the applied electric field. When the electric field direction is switched, smaller fragments are able to reorient more quickly than larger molecules and thus migrate faster. The size dependent nature of this reorientation process restores the ability to distinguish different sized fragments based on their electrophoretic mobility. These pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) techniques have greatly extended the range of DNA fragment sizes that can be separated, even up to tens of Mb [1,2]. PFGE methods are important in a variety of applications including analysis of microbial genomes [3][4][5] [7][8][9][10][11]. But despite the instrumental role of PFGE techniques in broadening the range of DNA fragment sizes that can be effectively separated, some important drawbacks remain. First, PFGE can be extremely time consuming, with run times generally ranging in the tens of hours. A major reason for this is that the extent to which the electric field can be increased to drive faster DNA migration is limited by the ...