Tick-borne infections are seen throughout the United States, with varying geographical locations. Many of these infections are also increasingly seen in Europe. Certain ticks (eg Ixodes) can transmit more than one infection. Diagnosis, particularly in early infection, can be challenging and therefore knowledge of the distinguishing clinical features and epidemiology of these diseases is important. Testing for Lyme disease often causes confusion for patients and medical providers, as serological tests may be negative in early infection and conversely may be positive for years after infection. Newer tests, such as the C6 ELISA, may play a role in Lyme diagnosis. Additionally, the value of a simple blood fi lm should not be underestimated for diagnosing babesiosis and anaplasmosis. In certain situations, empiric therapy may be required for tick-borne infections as severe illness with multiorgan failure can occur, particularly in older and immunocompromised hosts. This review describes the more commonly seen tick-borne infections: Lyme, babesiosis, anaplasmosis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. More recently identifi ed tick-borne infections, such as southern tick-associated rash illness and Borrelia miyamotoi, are also covered.Tick-borne infections are seen throughout the United States, with varying geographical locations. Diagnosis, particularly in early infection, can be challenging and severe illness can occur. In addition, certain ticks (eg Ixodes scapularis) can transmit more than one infection. This review describes the more commonly seen tick-borne infections.
Lyme diseaseIn the United States, Lyme disease is the most common reportable vector-borne disease. 1 It is caused by Borrelia burgdorferii, which is transmitted by the Ixodes tick. This is in contrast to Lyme disease in Europe and Asia that is primarily caused by B afzelii and B garinii. In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates the incidence of Lyme disease to be as high as 300,000 cases per year. 2 The ABSTRACT Authors: