Two quite dyspneic HIV positive patients were admitted to the Emergency Room; they presented clinical signs and images suggesting pericardial effusion. The analysis of an initial liquid puncture did not show any specificity and the patients did not exhibit any clinical improvement. Both patients were submitted to a subxiphoid pericardial window, all the effusion liquid was drained, and a biopsy of the pericardium tissue was completed, revealing a granulomatous process. Immediately after the onset of specific treatment, the patients showed a good evolution. Such findings draw attention to a high possibility of pericardial suffusion in AIDS patients being tuberculosis, particular if one considers the high prevalence of this disease in Brazil. The results also showed that the opening of a subxiphoid pericardial window and the specific triple scheme was a procedure that led to good therapeutic evolution in these patients. (J Pneumol J Pneumol J Pneumol J Pneumol 2003;29(2):98-100)