Protein Hal is a human y4 heavy-chain disease protein whose molecular weight is reduced from 55,000 to 25,000 in 6 M guanidine due to the lack of disulfide bonds between heavy chains. Studies of aminoacid sequence indicate that it contains a gap of about 240 residues, starting 10 residues from the N-terminal end and including the rest of the Fd fragment, as well as the hinge region. Normal sequence apparently resumes at a methionine residue (position 252) in the second constant domain (CH2) and seems normal from there to the carboxyl end of the molecule. These results imply that reinitiation of translation at an internal AUG codon occurs in protein Hal.Gamma heavy-chain disease ('yHCD) is characterized by the presence in serum and urine of a protein related structurally to the Fc fragment of immunoglobulin heavy chains of humans (1). Interest in these natural fragments was stimulated when it was shown that the THCD proteins were not extracellular degradation products, but rather the result of abnormalities of gene expression. Thus, if more than one gene was involved in the synthesis of a single heavy chain, then the HCD proteins could result from a mutation affecting only one of them.Detailed structural studies (2-4) on three 'yHCD proteins have shown the defect to be an internal deletion of part of the Fd fragment, with resumption of normal sequence at the glutamic acid residues present at position 216 (the numbering sequence is appropriate for the yl heavy chain). This point marks the beginning of the hinge region, a section of the heavy chain between CH1 and CH2 domains (5), which contains the interheavy-chain disulfide bonds and is unique in not having a homologous counterpart in the remainder of the molecule (6, 7). These data suggested the possibility that the constant (C) region of immunoglobulin heavy chain was under the control of more than one gene and that position 216 could mark the beginning of another cistron (3). Although other interpretations are also possible (8-10), the finding of protein Meg (11), a myeloma protein with a deletion of a portion of the hinge region only, further emphasized the importance of position 216. The sequence of Mcg heavy chain shows that it is normal through the first 215 residues and has a gap of 15 amino acids that commences at position 216.Abbreviations: Nomenclature of immunoglobulins and their chains and fragments follows the recommendation of World Health Organization [Bull. WHO 30, 447 (1964); 33, 721 (1965); 35, 953 (1966); 38, 151 (1968)
MATERIALS AND METHODSIsolation of the Hal Protein. The source of the Hal protein was a patient with malignant lymphoma accompanied by the presence in serum, urine, and pleural and peritoneal fluids of a gamma heavy-chain fragment belonging to the IgG4 subclass (12). All studies were performed on pleural or peritoneal fluid collected on ice and cleared of cellular debris by centrifugation before storage at -20°.Pleural fluid was adjusted to 20% saturation with ammonium sulfate. The resulting precipitate was removed by ...