Successful and robust grasping for humanoid robots is still an ongoing research topic in robotics. Applying human-inspired grasping strategies does not only correspond with more natural looking motions but can also yield good results regarding task success when having to deal with uncertainty. This study investigates human high-level grasping strategies and how they tend to change for different objects when the uncertainty of object location or orientation increases in between two grasps. We are especially interested in potential gains for humanoid robots in a common household setting. By analyzing collected data from human subject grasp experiments with a set of typical objects found in people's homes, we get better insight into how humans handle uncertainty, as well as when and how they change their applied pre-grasp strategy. By adapting the by far most often observed change from a direct grasp attempt to a tapping strategy when dealing with high uncertainty, we can demonstrate a substantial increase of grasp success rate for our robot system with a Shadow Dexterous Hand mounted on a Motoman SDA10 robot while using less than two hand correction steps on average.