LDL particles are very fascinating macromolecular assemblies of apolipoprotein B-100 and lipids and their structural features have attracted the attention of scientists for decades. There is a general consensus in the literature that LDL particles are organized into two major compartments, namely an apolar lipid core, comprised primarily of cholesteryl esters, triglycerides, and some free unesterifi ed cholesterol and an outer amphipathic shell that surrounds the apolar core. This outer shell is composed of a phospholipid monolayer containing most of the free unesterifi ed cholesterol and one single copy of apolipoprotein B-100 [for review, see Ref. ( 1 )]. LDLs are highly heterogeneous in nature, varying in buoyant density, size, surface charge, and chemical composition ( 2 ). These intrinsic properties are intimately related to intravascular metabolism of LDL ( 3 ), atherogenicity ( 4 ), and the fate of the particle in the subendothelial space ( 5 ).Of all circulating macromolecules in blood, LDLs are the only ones presently known to undergo a structural transition strikingly close to physiological temperature. Despite the identifi cation of this reversible temperature-induced transition of apolar core lipids in LDL by Deckelbaum et al. ( 6 ) in the mid-1970s, the physiological role of this transition remains elusive. Most likely, the transition might play a role in the early progression of atherosclerosis through its effects on cellular pathways of LDL recognition. In view of this, many efforts have been made to clarify the molecular details and to establish structural models for this transition in terms of geometrical constraints and chemical lipid compositions.There is broad scientifi c consensus that the core-located lipids are arranged in an ordered liquid-crystalline phase below the phase transition temperature. Above the transition temperature, however, the neutral lipids are organized in a fl uid, oil-like, disordered state as demonstrated by early X-ray and neutron scattering studies ( 7 , 8 ). The actual transition temperature of the core lipids varies between extremes of 15 and 35°C depending on the individual LDL particle. This value correlates well with the ratio of cholesteryl esters to triglycerides, being lower for higher triglyceride levels ( 6 , 7 ).Earlier structural models for LDL were principally based on an overall spherical particle shape with diameters in a size range from 18 to 25 nm. In these models, the internal core structure below the transition temperature was basically defi ned as a concentric spherical shell arrangement of cholesteryl esters. Variations within these models have been discussed on the basis of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and neutron scattering experiments, and electron microscopic data ( 9 , 10 ). Later on, cryo-electron microscopy (EM) studies suggested that snap-frozen LDL, with the core lipids already in the liquid-crystalline state, exhibit an oblate ellipsoid or discoidal overall particle shape ( 11 , 12 ). Unexpectedly, in these cryo-images, the in...