Cercariae, the freshwater stage of Schistosoma mansoni infectious to man, are covered by a single unit membrane and an immunogenic glycocalyx. When cercariae penetrate the host skin, they transform to schistosomula by shedding tails, secreting mucous and enzymes, and forming microvilli over their surface. Here the loss of the glycocalyx from cercariae transforming in vitro was studied morphologically and biochemically. By scanning electron microscopy, the glycocalyx was a dense mesh composed of 15-30 nm fibrils that obscured spines on the cercarial surface. The glycocalyx was absent on organisms fixed without osmium and was partially lost when parasites aggregated in their own secretions before fixation. By transmission electron microscopy, a 1-2-#m thick mesh of 8-15-nm fibrils was seen on parasites incubated with anti-schistosomal antibodies or fixed in aldehydes containing tannic acid or ruthenium red. Cercariae transformed to schistosomula when tails were removed mechanically and parasites were incubated in saline. Within 5 min of transformation, organisms synchronously formed microvilli which elongated to 3-5 ~tm by 20 min and then were shed. However, considerable fibrillar material remained adherent to the double unit membrane surface of schistosomula. For biochemical labeling, parasites were treated with eserine sulfate, which blocked cercarial swimming, secretion, infectivity, and transformation to schistosomula. Material labeled by periodate oxidation and NaB3H4 was on the surface as shown by autoradiography and had an apparent molecular weight of >106 by chromatography. Periodate-NaB~H4 glycocalyx had an isoelectric point of 5.0 + 0.4 and was precipitable with anti-schistosomal antibodies. More than 60% of the radiolabeled glycocalyx was released into the medium by transforming parasites in 3 h and was recovered as high molecular weight material. Parasites labeled with periodate and fluorescein-thiosemicarbazide and then transformed had a corona of fluorescence containing microvilli, much of which was shed onto the slide. Material on cercariae labeled by Iodogen-catalyzed iodination was also of high molecular weight and was antigenic. In conclusion, the cercarial glycocalyx appears to be composed of acidic high molecular weight fibrils which are antigenic and incompletely cleared during transformation.The helminth parasite Schistosoma mansoni undergoes a series of adaptive changes as it moves from its intermediate snail host to man. Cercariae are shed from the snail into fresh water, where they swim until they find a host. Cercariae are composed of a body (CB) and a tail, each ~ 120 um long and 25 um in diameter. The CB contains excretory, nervous, and digestive systems, and large secretory glands, all of which are surrounded by two muscle layers (54). The outermost layer of the parasite is a syncytium called the tegument, which is connected to cell bodies beneath the musculature (20). The cercarial tegument is bounded by a single unit membrane with a surface area of 20,000 tzm 2 over the CB (...