DOI: 10.1073/pnas.87.3.1164
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Human nonmuscle myosin heavy chain mRNA: generation of diversity through alternative polyadenylylation.

Abstract: Myosin is a ubiquitous eukaryotic contractile protein that generates the force responsible for such diverse cellular movements as muscle contraction and cytokinesis. Although there have been numerous studies of sarcomeric myosin heavy chain (MHC) genes, no molecular clones have been reported that encode mammalian nonmuscle MHC. This study presents the molecular genetic characterization of a human nonmuscle MHC that is expressed in fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and macrophages. Human nonmuscle MHC amino acids… Show more

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Cited by 119 publications
(84 citation statements)
References 33 publications
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“…Their results would place the MLC1 binding site within the head as op-$1 $2 LMM 25 50 20 mer et al, 1986); Acanthamoeba MHCII (Hammer et al, 1987); Dictyostelium mhca, (Warrick et al, 1986);C. elegans uric54 (McLachlan and Karn, 1982); chicken smooth muscle MHC (Yanigisawa et al, 1987); human nonmuscle MHC (Saez et al, 1990); chicken embryonic skeletal MHC (Molina et al, 1987); human embryonic (Eller et al, 1989); human perinatal skeletal MHC (Karsch-Mizrachi et al, 1990); rat embryonic MHC (Strehler et al, 1986); rat beta cardiac MHC (Kraft et al, 1989), and rat alpha cardiac MHC (McNaUy et al, 1989a). Dots are shown below the hydrophobic residues.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Their results would place the MLC1 binding site within the head as op-$1 $2 LMM 25 50 20 mer et al, 1986); Acanthamoeba MHCII (Hammer et al, 1987); Dictyostelium mhca, (Warrick et al, 1986);C. elegans uric54 (McLachlan and Karn, 1982); chicken smooth muscle MHC (Yanigisawa et al, 1987); human nonmuscle MHC (Saez et al, 1990); chicken embryonic skeletal MHC (Molina et al, 1987); human embryonic (Eller et al, 1989); human perinatal skeletal MHC (Karsch-Mizrachi et al, 1990); rat embryonic MHC (Strehler et al, 1986); rat beta cardiac MHC (Kraft et al, 1989), and rat alpha cardiac MHC (McNaUy et al, 1989a). Dots are shown below the hydrophobic residues.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Amplified DNA fragments were purified and subjected to direct cycle sequence analysis using a Thermo Sequenase II dye terminator cycle sequencing kit (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Buckinghamshire, UK) on an ABI 373A DNA sequencer. The MYH9 cDNA sequence was numbered, as the first ATG is ϩ1 and amino acid residues are numbered from the ATG initiation codon (residue 1) (Toothaker et al 1991;Saez et al 1990). …”
Section: Amplification Of Myh9mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Recently, we and others identified a gene mutated in the autosomal dominant macrothrombocytopenia with leukocyte inclusions by a positional candidate gene approach (The May-Hegglin/ Fechtner Syndrome Consortium 2000; Kelley et al 2000;Kunishima et al 2001). This gene, MYH9, encodes a large (224kDa) cytoplasmic protein, nonmuscle myosin heavy chain-A (NMMHC-A) (Toothaker et al 1991;Saez et al 1990). Structurally, NMMHC-A consists of an N-terminal motor/head domain, which contains ATP-binding and actin-binding domains, and a C-terminal tail domain, which undergoes dimerization to form a coiled-coil rod structure.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…KIAA0454 encodes a nonmuscle myosin heavy chain A (NMMHC-A)-like protein which might play a role in smooth muscle cell proliferation. 30,31 The related 1q21.1 sequence showed 97% identity at a nucleotide level and 97% identity at an amino acid level with KIAA0454. However, the 1q21.1 sequence did not have any representative ESTs in dbEST as determined by BLASTN analysis.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%