Opportunities to reduce the risk of cancer, including cervical, liver, and skin cancer, start early in life. To encourage adoption of primary prevention activities in childhood to reduce cancer risk later in life, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a demonstration project with 3 National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) recipients.
Iowa, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB), and Pennsylvania NCCCP recipients implemented evidence-based primary prevention activities for cervical, liver, and skin cancer among children using health care provider education, patient education, and policy development.
Iowa implemented an announcement approach to improve provider education on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. Pennsylvania focused on patient education for reducing skin cancer risk and both provider and patient education for liver cancer prevention. NPAIHB created a sun safety intervention for tribal organizations, including a policy guide, media materials, and patient education.
In Iowa, health care providers taking the announcement approach reported significantly higher mean scores on a posttest compared with a pretest regarding perceptions about HPV vaccination, self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions related to vaccination. Pennsylvania integrated sun safety education and sunscreen dispenser programs as a health and wellness initiative in 8 state parks and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources incorporated the program in its Pennsylvania Outdoor Recreation Plan. Pennsylvania also implemented health care provider education on the primary prevention of liver cancer through hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening and hepatitis B vaccination. The NPAIHB skin cancer policy guide was created and distributed for use to all 43 federally recognized tribes of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho served by NPAIHB.
The identification, dissemination, and implementation of these efforts can serve as best practices for future childhood primary prevention programs. NCCCP recipients and public health professionals can use health care provider education, patient education, and policy development to reduce future risk for cervical, liver, and skin cancer among children.