Cervical cancer highly correlates with infection caused by highly oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (high risk HPV, HR HPV), which is one of the most common sexually transmitted pathogens and is a key factor in the development of cervical disease. However, malignant transformation of cells and tumor development are multifactorial and result from the interaction of a large number of factors such as virus genotype and its oncogenic potential, the state of the infected cells, the immune response of the host, as well as many cofactors such as smoking, oral contraceptives, multiparity, early beginning of sexual life, promiscuity, poor socio-economic conditions, poor diet, etc. Recently, an increasing number of studies have focused on examining the role of genetic basis of the pathogenesis and evolution of HR HPV cervical disease. It is known that genes polymorphisms that encode proteins involved in the functioning of Th1 and Th17 cell response may be associated with better or worse prognosis of cervical disease in women with persistent HR HPV infection. Therefore, the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the genes encoding TNF, IFN-γ and IL-12 can be considered as putative biomarkers that may have predictive value for the development of the HR HPV cervical carcinoma.Key words: cervical cancer, HR HPV, gene polymorphism, TNF, IFN-γ and IL-12 Sažetak Karcinom grlića materice visoko korelira sa infekcijom uzrokovanom visoko onkogenim tipovima humanog papiloma virusa (engl. high risk HPV, HR HPV), koji je jedan od najčešće seksualno prenosivih patogena i ključni faktor u nastanku cervikalnog tumora. Ipak, maligna transformacija ćelija i nastanak tumora su multifaktorijalni i rezultat su interakcije velikog broja činilaca kao što su: genotip virusa i njegov onkogeni potencijal, stanje inficirane ćelije, imunskog odgovora domaćina, ali i brojnih kofaktora kao što su pušenje, oralni kontraceptivi, multiparitet, rano stupanje u seksualne odnose, promiskuitet, loši socioekonomski uslovi, ishrana i dr. U novije vreme sve veći broj istraživanja usmeren je na ispitivanje uloge genetske osnove u patogenezi i evoluciji HR HPV cervikalne bolesti. Poznato je da polimorfizmi određenih gena koji kodiraju proteine uključene u funkcionisanje Th1 i Th17 ćelijskog odgovora mogu biti povezani sa boljom ili lošijom prognozom cervikalne bolesti kod žena sa perzistentnom HR HPV infekcijom. Stoga se polimorfizmi pojedinačnih nukleotida (SNP) gena za TNF, IFN-γ i IL-12 mogu smatrati biomarkerima koji mogu da imaju prediktivnu ulogu za nastanak HR HPV karcinoma grlića materice.Ključne reči: karcinom grlića materice, genski polimorfizmi, TNF, IFN-γ i IL-12