CGA1 is a member of the granin protein family and is stored in high concentrations in the large dense core secretory granules of most endocrine and neuroendocrine cells as well as in many nerve cells in the periphery and brain (1, 2). CGA, the first member of the granin family to be discovered (3-5), has a wide variety of functions, both extracellular and intracellular.As one of its extracellular functions, CGA acts as a prohormone, a protein that contains numerous sites for proteolytic processing. Following secretion, extracellular proteases cleave CGA, generating several peptide fragments with biological activity, including pancreastatin (6, 7), vasostatins I and II (8 -10), parastatin (11), catestatin (12), and chromacin (13). In healthy individuals, CGA and its peptide fragments are present in the circulatory system in low nanomolar quantities. However, in patients suffering from pheochromocytoma and other neuroendocrine tumors, concentrations are significantly higher (14). Elevated plasma levels of CGA are associated with a number of pathological conditions making the protein an ideal marker not only for neuroendocrine tumors but also for chronic heart failure and brain disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases (15).Among its intracellular roles, CGA has been shown to interact with ATP, catecholamines, and Ca 2ϩ (16,17), to acidify the intravesicular medium and to sort proteins for the regulated secretory pathway via a range of protein-protein interactions (15). These sorting functions include aggregation with chromogranin B, complexing with dopamine -hydroxylase, t-plasminogen activator, and binding secretory granule membrane constituents such as the InsP 3 R (15).In recent years, secretory granules of neuroendocrine cells have been identified as inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (InsP 3 )-sensitive Ca 2ϩ stores (18 -20). In the granules CGA forms a tetramer and appears to bind four molecules of the intraluminal loop of the InsP 3 R at the intravesicular pH 5.5 (21-23). In vitro studies show that purified InsP 3 R interact directly with CGA at this pH and dissociate from it at pH 7.5, a pH encountered when exocytosis occurs (24). Co-transfection of InsP 3 R and CGA into COS-7 cells followed by co-immunoprecipitation demonstrates that these two proteins form a complex in vivo (24).We have investigated the functional aspect of this coupling via InsP 3 -mediated Ca 2ϩ release studies using InsP 3 R-reconstituted liposomes in the presence and absence of CGA. We have further characterized the molecular basis of this phenomenon at the single channel level using planar lipid bilayer studies. In the presence of CGA the open probability and mean open time of the InsP 3 R channel increases significantly. Hence, modulation of InsP 3 R channel activity by CGA appears to be an essential component in the control of intracellular Ca 2ϩ concentration in secretory granules.
Purification of the InsP 3 ReceptorFor Flux Studies-The type I InsP 3 receptor was isolated from bovine cerebella as d...