Complementation of the natural NHrterminal 134amino acid fragment of the reduced, carbamoylmethylated human somatotropin with synthetic analogs of COOH-terminal fragments of 57, 42, or 38 amino acids of reduced, carbamoylmethylated human somatotropin has been investigated. It was found that synthetic fragments of 57 and 42 amino acids gave recombinants with full growth-promoting activity, whereas attempts to obtain a recombinant with the synthetic 38-amino acid fragment were unsuccessful. The synthesis of two analogs of the COOH-terminal fragment of human somatotropin, human [Nlel70, Alal65,i82 1891 somatotropin(150-191) and human [Nlel7O, Ala's65'82,, is herein described.It has been shown that the two plasmic fragments (1) of human somatotropin (HGH) (see Fig. 1 give a recombinant protein with the full biological activities (2, 3) of the natural hormone. Subsequently, it was found that complementation of the natural NH2-terminal fragment with the synthetic COOH-terminal fragment or its synthetic analogs gave rise to fully active recombinants (4, 5). This paper reports complementation reactions of the natural NH2-terminal 134-amino acid (AA) fragment with synthetic COGH-terminal fragment analogs of different chain lengths to obtain full growth-promoting activity.
MATERIALS AND METHODSHuman somatotropin was isolated from fresh-frozen pituitary glands as described (6). Plasmic digests of HGH and the isolation of the NH2-terminal 134-AA and COOH-terminal 51-AA fragments were obtained as described (1) except that the NH2-terminal fragment was further purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 in 0.01 M NH4HCO3 at pH 8.2 (7). Analogs of the COGH-terminal fragment were synthesized by the solid-phase method (8). The synthesis of one of the analogs, [Lysl35,136,138 7Glul37,139, Nle170, Alal65,182,, has already been described (9). The complementation reactions were carried out by published procedures (2, 10). Briefly, 3.0 mg (0.20 ,umol) of the NH2-terminal fragment in 1.5 ml of 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.4/5% (vol/vol) n-butanol was added to 1.3 mg (0.21 ,mol) of COGH-terminal fragment or synthetic fragment in 0.1 ml of 1 M NH40H. Both solutions were clear before mixing and became turbid after mixing. The mixtures were stored at 20C for 10 days. After removal of the insoluble material, the clear supernatants were purified by exclusion chromatography on a Sephadex G-100 column (1.5 X 60 cm) in 0.01 M NH4HCO3 (pH 8.2) at 22°C. The growth-promoting activity was estimated by the rat tibia test (11).Peptide Synthesis. The peptides [Nle170, Alal65'82,189]- and [Nle'70, were synthesized as described for the corresponding analogs and HGH-(145-191) (9). t-Butoxycarbonylphenylalanine (Boc-Phe) resin was alternately deblocked with 55% trifluoroacetic acid/methylene chloride, neutralized with N-methylmorpholine or diisopropylethylamine, and coupled with the symmetrical anhydride (12) of the Boc-amino acid. N-Methylmorpholine was used for the bulk of the neutralization for the aspartyl-containing peptide to minimize base-cat...