Q2 :The disclosure statement has been inserted. Please correct if this is inaccurate.Response: Yes, it is correct.
Q3 :The reference "Castiglia and Giardina 2013" is listed in the references list but is not cited in the text. Please either cite the reference or remove it from the references list.Response: Please remove it.
Q4 :The reference "Erdem et al. 2021" is listed in the references list but is not cited in the text. Please either cite the reference or remove it from the references list. Response: It has been inserted into text. Please check. Q5 : Please provide missing city for the reference "Hollnagel 1993" references list entry. Response: Resolved Q6 : Please provide missing city for the reference "Kirwan 1994" references list entry. Response: Resolved Q7 : Please provide missing editors name for reference "Kirwan et al. 2004" references list entry. Response: Resolved Q8 : Please provide missing volume number for reference "Liu et al. 2021" references list entry. Response: No volume number..please leave it like this. Q9 : . Please provide missing city for reference "Saaty, 1980" references list entry. Response: Remove same. Q10 : Please provide missing volume number and page range for reference "Samima and Sarma 2021" references list entry. Response: No have volume number, please leave it like this.Q11 : Please provide missing city for the reference "Zimmermann 2011" references list entry.Response: please remove same.