As a result of the dynamic development and widespread introduction of digital technologies, working conditions are significantly transformed, the demand for professions is undergoing changes, and the role of education is being reassessed. In this regard, the identification of problems and contradictions that impede the improvement of the quality of education and limit the implementation of the academic rights of students acquire special significance. The primary goal of the "regulatory guillotine" policy implemented by the state in the field of education is to monitor the regulatory arrangements of educational activities. Analysis of regulatory legal acts, law enforcement practice, scientific publications on the research topic revealed the presence of significant restrictions, as well as internal contradictions that significantly increase the risks of realizing in practice individual academic rights of students: the right to transfer, to resume studies, individual training and participation in the formation of the content of their professional education. Recently, in practice many universities have had their licenses and state accreditation suspended or revoked. The cessation of educational organizations entailed the identification of the implementation of students' academic rights to transfer from one educational organization to another. The mainstreaming of digital technologies and electronic document management in the educational process helps to optimize and reduce the burden on all participants in educational activities. The digitalization made it necessary issuing on paper some documents, for example, a student ID and a record book, which are already maintained electronically in some educational organizations.