all resulted in good nuclear immunostaining with the BrdU antibody and acceptable tissue morphology. However, when comparing the effect of the various denaturation agents on cell cycle parameters and phase durations of EGL cells they noted differences in the detection of BrdU-stained cells amongst the reagents, indicating that histological procedures may affect the reproducibility of quantitative analysis of proliferating cells. Taking all of their data into consideration, they recommend that DNase I and citrate buffer may offer less harsh alternatives to hydrochloric acid for DNA denaturation in the BrdU staining protocol.
Autophagy and cell survival in cancer, normal, and embryonic cellsAutophagy is a cellular process by which cytoplasmic components are incorporated into autophagocytic vesicles, which eventually fuse with lysosomes resulting in degradation of cellular constituents (Parzych and Klionsky 2014). Over the years, the understanding of this fundamental cellular process has evolved to delineate its critical role in both physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms. Indeed, autophagy has been shown to play the most interesting role in cancer cells, acting as either a tumor suppressor or tumor promoter, with the response related to the type of tumor cell studied. Moreover, similar to apoptosis, autophagy has also been shown to be an important mechanism during vertebrate development (Aburto et al. 2012). Given these diverse roles of autophagy in cellular constituent degradation processes, Rankov et al. (2017) have performed an in-depth analysis to investigate the effect autophagy has on cell survival in model systems (human cancer cells, human normal cells, and zebrafish embryonic cells) treated with anticancer
Assessing multiple DNA denaturation pretreatments for BrdU immunostainingThe proliferation state of cells can be assessed via multiple immunostaining protocols, including using antibodies against proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), Ki-67, and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) (Eminaga et al. 2016). Unlike the direct immunostaining for PCNA or Ki-67 on any paraffin-embedded tissue section, BrdU immunostaining requires the prior injection of the thymine analog BrdU into living animals where it incorporates into replicating DNA. The immunostaining procedure then requires section pretreatment with a DNA-denaturing agent to yield single-stranded DNA, a requirement for binding of the anti-BrdU antibody. Typically, denaturation is achieved by section treatment with hydrochloric acid, which may result in a deterioration in both tissue morphological appearance and antigenicity. Since other DNA denaturation agents besides hydrochloric acid have been used in the BrdU immunostaining procedure in previous studies, Molina et al. (2017) have now undertaken a comparative evaluation of the use of a variety of DNA denaturation agents on subsequent BrdU immunostaining, using the transient proliferative rat cerebellar external granular layer (EGL) as a model structure. They found that section pretreatment for partia...