Dedicated to Professor E. J. Corey on the occasion of his 90 th birthday.Abstract: Organic synthesis has been continuously evolving to higher levels of sophistication and into new domains ever since its emergence in the early part of the nineteenth century. Its impressive growth over the last two centuries parallels its enormous impact on science and society. Modern medicine, the dye industry, aromas and cosmetics, vitamins and nutritional goods, polymers and plastics, energy fuels and high-tech materials are some of its direct benefits that shaped the world as we know it today. As an enabling science and technology organic synthesis has also impacted society indirectly by facilitating the birth and sustainability of other disciplines such as medicinal and process chemistry, chemical biology and biotechnology, physics and biology, and materials science and nanotechnology. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to champion and support the continuous advancement of the art and science of organic synthesis -both method development and total synthesis -for the magnitude of its impact on science and society is measured by its condition at any given time. As sharp as it is currently, its present state begs for more to be achieved in the future, for a comparison of its capabilities with those of Nature leaves us with awe for the latter and much to be desired for the former.