A multi-channel data processing and acquisition system based
on an analog ASIC (SFERA) has been designed and realized. The
platform, called Kerberos, is suitable for the readout of large
arrays of Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) for X-ray, γ-ray and
electron spectroscopy applications. Each one of its 48 inputs is
equipped with a 9th order semi-Gaussian shaping
amplifier with programmable peaking time (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6
). The pulse amplitudes are multiplexed into three 16-bit
high linearity SAR ADCs and digitized into an Artix-7 FPGA
module. Kerberos will be used for the characterization of monolithic
SDD matrices for the TRISTAN project. Many different readout
strategies can be selected on Kerberos Graphic User Interface: for
TRISTAN it has been decided to use a full detector readout strategy,
with maximum input throughput of about 166 kcount/s. This work
presents a full characterization of this scalable platform and its
use with several detectors types (SDD, micro-strips) in X-ray, gamma
and beta spectroscopy.