Epidemiologic study of Huntington''s disease (HD) in the Rijeka district represents the first research of its kind carried out in Yugoslavia. After a detailed instigation of all available sources of health information, ten families, with a total number of 24 HD patients, were found. The prevalence rate of HD on March 31, 1981, was 4.46/100,000 population. Most of the patients involved were members from the second or third familial generation. The age at recognition of disease was 41.6 years, with earlier onset among the males. Involuntary movements frequently appeared as the initial symptomatology (45.8%). Duration of the disease from initial symptomatology to death averaged at 10.6 years. Six of nine patients who died had committed suicide. It took physicians of primary care, neurologists, and psychiatrists 5.3 years (1–12 years) to make a definite diagnosis. Nine of the affected families from Rijeka district were autochthonic households. Six of these families immigrated from Saxony, Slovakia and Upper Carinthia during the reign of the Habsburg dynasty (1619–1780).