Abstract-A geometrically based channel model is proposed to describe radio propagation in an indoor environment with directional antennas.In conventional geometric channel models (GCMs), distribution of scatterers does not take into account the antenna properties. A different approach is taken here for directional channel modeling. The locations of scattering objects are defined using nonCartesian coordinates comprising an auxiliary geometric parameter ρ and angle-of-arrival (AOA) φ. Subsequently, we present a systematic method to study the influence of antenna pattern on scatterer distribution by applying two heuristic rules, which underpin the connection between the physical wave-propagation process and its canonical GCM. Provided with model preliminaries, important channel parameters including power azimuthal spectrum (PAS), power delay spectrum (PDS), mean effective gain (MEG), and antenna-decoupled PAS are derived and compared against the published data in the existing literature to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed model.