Heat storage technology has a critical role for a number of applications involving renewable thermal energy (such as solar water heater). The application of wax (n-octacosane/OCT) as a medium for storing heat brings many positive influences for the system. However, the operational curve is undesirable for the OCT-based energy storage, which makes it necessary to use a binding material. The present work employed LD-class polymer (LDPE) and linear-LDPE as binding materials for OCT. The mixture is prepared through mechanical hot stirring, which comes into two categories: SOCT1 (OCT/LD) and SOCT2 (OCT/LLD). The assessment through the calorimetry method shows an increment in transition temperature for SOCT with a value of 2.1 °C and 5.5 °C. This contributes to the variation of fusion energy for solid-liquid change for both materials, which amounted to 132.05 J/g (SOCT1) and 113.4 J/g (SOCT2). Another assessment related to its chemical and structural phase demonstrates that SOCT has an identical structure to OCT, indicating that SOCT is mixed physically. At the operational level, SOCT is more optimal than OCT according to the indicator related to charge and discharge duration for energy exchange. SOCT1 demonstrates a short plateau line as the indication of a steady transition between 65.4–67.9 °C, while SOCT2 indicates the average heating rate, which is higher than for single OCT. The heat releasing curve for SOCT1 varies at a lower value between 1.92 °C/min and 0.77 °C/min, while SOCT2 has the lowest variation, which is only 0.17 °C/min. Moreover, the self-insulation for SOCT2 has the lowest rate, which is only 0.3 °C/min. The evaluation and analysis from this work show that SOCT is reliable to increase the operational curve of OCT and can be implemented for thermal systems