We prove special cases of the Ratios Conjecture for the family of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions over function fields. More specifically, we study the average of L(1/2 + α, χ D )/L(1/2 + β, χ D ), when D varies over monic, square-free polynomials of degree 2g + 1 over F q [x], as g → ∞, and we obtain an asymptotic formula when ℜβ ≫ g −1/2+ε . We also study averages of products of 2 over 2 and 3 over 3 Lfunctions, and obtain asymptotic formulas when the shifts in the denominator have real part bigger than g −1/4+ε and g −1/6+ε respectively. The main ingredient in the proof is obtaining upper bounds for negative moments of L-functions. The upper bounds we obtain are expected to be almost sharp in the ranges described above. As an application, we recover the asymptotic formula for the one-level density of zeros in the family with the support of the Fourier transform in (−2, 2).