In this paper, a novel low phase noise voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) using metamaterial structure and rat race coupler is presented for reducing the phase noise without the reduction of the frequency tuning range. The metamaterial structure has been realized by microstrip square open loop double split ring resonator (SRR). The rat race coupler shows slightly higher transmission compared to a Wilkinson combiner and is, therefore, used instead to improve the performances of VCO. By providing these unique modifications, the proposed push-push VCO has a phase noise of -126.30~-124.83 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz in the tuning range of 5.672~5.800 GHz.
Ⅰ. IntroductionThe implementation of the low phase noise voltagecontrolled oscillator (VCO) has attracted a lot of attention because the phase noise of VCO is one of the most critical elements for the quality of service of the information transfer function. It has been known that he phase noise of VCO depends on the Q factor of the resonator. recently, there has been much interest in high-Q resonators such as split ring resonator (SRR), microstrip square open loop resonator, and hairpin resonator, etc. The high-Q resonator can reduce the phase noise of VCO but has the problem of the frequency tuning range reduction [1], [2].Metamaterial are composite materials, possess negative permittivity (ε < 0) and negative permeability (μ < 0) simultaneously, proposed by V. Veselago in 1968. Utilizing the idea of Pendry for achieving negative permittivity and negative permeability, this composite material was first fabricated by Smith in 2000 using metallic structures. Push-push VCOs employ two identical sub-VCOs with a balanced operation, causing all odd harmonics to cancel one another out all even harmonics are summed in phase at the output load. Since the design of the resonator in push-push VCOs is performed at half the resonance frequency, a higher Q factor becomes achievable. In addition, push-push VCOs achieve good phase noise performance because it is a type of mutually coupled VCO. Because of these advantages, the pushpush principle has emerged as an attractive method for low phase noise VCO design [3], [4].The low frequency 1/f noise plays a dominant role in determining the close to carrier phase noise performance in VCOs. It is well known that 1/f noise is up-converted to the carrier frequency, resulting in a 1/f 3 region at this position. The phase noise of a VCO in the 1/f 3 region near the carrier frequency depends on the value of the Q factor of the resonator. Because of this, another technique to realize a low phase noise VCO is to employ high Q resonators like dielectric resonators, hair-pin resonators, open loop resonators, split ring resonators (SRRs), and complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs). These resonators have a metamaterial property that results in a higher Q factor. A basic application, then, to increase the coupling coefficient of the resonator is to use double SRRs consisting of concentric split rings in order to increase the distributed capa...